早稲田大学 浜田道昭研究室


Waseda University, Hamada Laboratory

(Bioinformatics Laboratory)

情報科学で生命・医学・薬学研究にブレイクスルーを / Breakthroughs in biology, medicine, and pharmacology with information science


Our research focus is on bioinformatics, an interdisciplinary field that uses techniques from computer science, probability, statistics, physics, mathematics, chemistry, and more to address a variety of problems in biology and life sciences. In recent years, the proliferation of advanced experimental and measurement devices, such as new-generation sequencers (NGS), has led to the accumulation of huge biological data, including genomes, epigenomes, nucleomes, transcriptomes, proteomes, metabolomes, interactomes, and so on. The data-driven approach to life sciences, which seeks to gain new biological insights from these data, has become mainstream in biology, making it impossible to discuss this field without considering bioinformatics.


Our laboratory is dedicated to the development of enduring bioinformatics theory, algorithms, and tools, and to the discovery of groundbreaking biological knowledge using both our own tools and those available worldwide. We actively engage in collaborative research with both informatics and experimental laboratories, and welcome inquiries about collaborative research opportunities. Bioinformatics is a rapidly evolving field, and those with interests in theory, biology, implementation, data analysis, machine learning, data mining, artificial intelligence, simulation, and mathematics have the potential to make significant contributions to the field. We invite you to join us in our bioinformatics research efforts.

※ 研究員(フルタイム)・研究助手(フルタイム)・研究補助員(非常勤)などのポストにご興味がある方は連絡を下さい./ Please contact us if you are interested in becoming a researcher, research assistant or secretary.


ニュース / News  [⇒公式Twitter  :  研究成果 / Achievements]

浜田道昭教授が執筆・監修に関わった書籍 / Books written and edited by Prof. Michiaki Hamada